Well its going to be a WICKED hot weekend here in New England. I sure can tell you the temperature has already started creeping up here in the Northeast Water Wells Office. Its on hot weekends like this that we reach for sugary drinks like lemon aid and ice tea or Gatorade. My go to staple drink during this hot season is to reach for some good clean pure lemon water and this blog will tell you why.
- Lemon Water is an excellent source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This gives your immune system a super boost and also flushes your system of free radicals. This equates to more energy, less stress, clearer skin and less sickie~ ickies and can also add to focus. How can you go wrong!
- Drinking warm or cold lemon water daily can aid in weight loss. lemon water aids by increasing your body and diets alkilinity. A more Alkiline diet makes for a happier person according to Eating Well Magazine. The more alkiline the diet is the faster the weight loss will happen. Lemons also contain a pectin fiber which helps curb back hunger pains and surpress appetite.
- Lemon helps Balance PH. Acidic water and foods lower immunity and aid in longevity of illness. Driking Lemon water with acidic meals such as tomatoe sauces can counter act the acidity.
- Lemon Water Flushes out the system. Drinking Lemon water daily cleanses out the impurities in the gut and digestive track. Lemon water is also extreamly effective in breaking down uric acid that can build up around muscles and joints after heavy workouts.
In conclusion try adding Lemon water to your daily regimine today.
This Article was written by:
Ashley E. Connolly
Operations Manager
Northeast Water Wells Inc
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