Healthy Well Water = Happy Family!

Just like your car, your well and water system need to be regularly maintained. There are two main ways to do this; you can look at water quality issues or you can look at the well pumping mechanics. Northeast Water Wells Inc has many options when it comes to assisting you to maintain and improve… Read more »

Do You Have Iron In Your Water?

It is fairly common for someone to find iron in their well water. This is especially true in the New England area. The effects of iron being in your plumbing really come down to the amount of iron that is found in your water. Types of Iron and Levels Ferrous Iron is also known as… Read more »

Manganese in Your Water: What to Know

Manganese is something that can be found naturally in rocks and soil. This mineral is also sometimes found in your drinking water and while it won’t hurt you, it can be somewhat annoying. According to the EPA, manganese is known as a secondary contaminant. This means that the presence of manganese is usually accompanied by… Read more »

Reasons You May Deal With Low Well Water Pressure

For many, owning a home is an inevitable part of growing up and living out their dreams. They picture a picket fence and a red door with a tire swing out in front. One thing they don’t usually factor into that vision is the bills and headaches that tend to come with the upkeep of… Read more »

Assess your Well and Sell it Too!

When preparing to buy or sell a home, you think about a lot of things. Is the foundation sound? Have there been any recent updates? What is the neighborhood like? If you haven’t thought about whether your home has a well, then you should. Wells can be a great asset to a home; they should… Read more »

Bacteria in your Well Water?

When dealing with real estate and wells, many times there are bacteria in the sample results. Oftentimes this can be scary for the homeowners, especially those who don’t know much about wells. But fear not! There is an easy way to get rid of it all. Chlorination is a process that all local well companies should… Read more »

Bacteria Tests: Odors and Tastes in Your Drinking Water

For those who live in a house that has a well, it’s a pretty common place for the water in the well to develop a slight smell or taste. This happens to about 10-15% of homeowners with wells yearly in New Hampshire. There are a lot of factors that could play into your well having… Read more »

The Variable Frequency Drive: Purposes and Benefits

One of the main and most noticeable functions of a variable frequency drive (VFD) is its connection to constant water pressure. Certainly not new to the well industry, VFD’s are now becoming much more prevalent in the use of residential wells. If you’ve ever owned or lived on a property with well-supplied water, you will… Read more »

Intro to Berkley Submersible Pumps by Pentair

Here at Northeast Water Wells, we are excited to announce the introduction of the Berkley Submersible Pumps by Pentair. History of Berkeley Berkeley Pump Corporation was created back in 1937 in a garage. Fredrick Stadelhofer and Fred Carpenter had discovered a need for small centrifugal pumps- more than what their current employer was supplying. At… Read more »

Dug, Point, and Drilled Wells

When there are so many different options about how to install your well, how do you know what to go with? Here is a guide to help you understand the differences in dug, point, or driven artesian wells. Dug Wells One way to go about installing your well is by going at the ground with… Read more »