In Massachusetts and New Hampshire its a common misconception that we are only able to drill irrigation water wells in the Spring, Summer and Fall. This is only true for surface water wells as they can become bothersome after heavy frosts have set in. At Northeast Water Wells we specialize in Deep drilled water wells in which we seal out surface water well and drill deep into groundwater aquifers. Our drill rig is constructed to drill through solid granite and rock so drilling through a little frost is easy peasy for our massive machine. In fact the winter can be the best time of year to install an irrigation well is in winter due to the fact that the ground is frozen and less damage and ruts will be created during the initial install.
Another benefit of install water wells for irrigation applications in winter is timing. In the spring in summer months many drillers have a substantial wait list not only for irrigation wells but due to droughts residential no waters. In the winter months you will experience shorter weight periods both with the driller and with town permitting. In the winter its not uncommon for water well drillers to run seasonal promotions for irrigation well systems to get a jump start on the next years irrigation rush!!
A large majority of our clientele will opt to have the initial drilling phase for irrigation wells installed in the winter months and schedule ahead for the pump install and final connections in the early spring months. By doing this you will avoid pesky water bans for the 2016 irrigating season and water rate hikes that may occur that year as well.
What information do Well contractors need to know when designing my irrigation water well?
- It is important to know before hand the required GPM or Gallons per minute that the irrigation installer is going to need for his system design. If irrigation system is already In place contact the original designer for this information. If you don’t know who the original designer is its helpful to at least know the number of zones and sprinkler heads per zone and we can help you calculate flow design. If you do not have an irrigation system in place its helpful to contact irrigation designers to get a feel for the flow expectations they would like. In an ideal world its helpful to install the water system first then complete final irrigation design taking into accordance final depth and flow of the well system, Its easier to make adjustments on the irrigation side of the project than on the well portion and much more cost effective too.
The average flow that most standard residential irrigation systems need is typically around 10-12 gallons per minute. When lower flowing wells are encountered for irrigation application its often necessary to split up existing irrigation zones to ensure optimal performance, however rest assured Northeast qualified professionals will work hand and hand with your irrigation specialist to make sure the project runs as smooth as possible.
Would you like to learn more about Irrigation Water Well Insulations throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire? Northeast Water Wells Inc has been installing quality irrigation wells throughout MA and NH since 1966. If so contact our office at 1-800-562-9355 and speak with one of our qualified Water Well Specialists today. Mention this blog and receive a special credit for helping us finish up our 49th year in business strong!!!
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