National Protect Your Ground Water Day, September 10, 2013
Today is National Protect your groundwater Day. Its so important to protect our water supplies, regardless is we utilize a Water well as our main source or are supplied by a municipal water source we all have to be cautious of protecting this earths most precious asset water we can’t live without it. Today more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of environmental issues as a society as a whole we are making great leaps towards a better planet, this blog is dedicated to some helpful tips on protecting our water supplies.
For more information visit the National Ground Water Associations page :
There are some simple ways to protect our Groundwater Table and to be responsible water well owners:
- Follow proper Water Quality testing schedules to ensure that your family is drinking the safest water possible. To learn Northeast Water Wells Inc recommendations : Typically water Quality testing can range from $50.00 to $400.00 depending on sample levels and contaminants tested, state and federal regulatory agencies can use this information to track contamination outbreaks and help determine the sources of the contaminants weather it be natural or from a contamination site.
- Always and I mean always make sure you are properly handling and disposing of hazardous materials. Improperly handled or disposed materials have a direct impact on our water sources and food supplies. The EPA has a great site full of helpful tips regarding proper disposal and handling:
- One of the biggest sources of Groundwater contamination is Improperly Abandoned wells I cannot stress this enough I have written multiple blogs on this topic. Many people are under the assumption that if you no longer are using a well you can forget about them however there are regulations to properly abandon the well. A Well is a direct link to the groundwater tables if you cut the well head below the surface and bury it any contaminants in the area have a super highway to everyone’s water source around you. Be responsible! To learn more about water well abandonment :
- Conserve on water! Fresh water is not an unlimited supply in fact only 3% of the earth’s water is fresh water. Consider installing rain sensors to irrigations systems and low flow fixtures to your home every little bit counts.
Thank you for reading and Happy National Protect Your Groundwater Day
This article was written by:
Ashley Connolly
Operations Manager
Northeast Water Wells Inc
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