Common Bacteria/Viruses found in water:

Enteroviruses (aseptic meningitis, and encephalitis), Reoviruses (upper respiratory and gastrointestinal illness), Rotaviruses (gastroenteritis), Hepatitis A, E. Coli, and Coliform.

Side Effects of bacteria in water:

Every one of the Bacteria/Viruses mentioned above have various side effects, and is only dangerous at various levels.

How can I tell if there are Bacteria/Viruses in my water?

 Have your water tested annually. Water testing is highly recommended especially if there is an infant within the household, or Elderly, if there are recurring gastrointestinal illnesses, you bought a new home or a installed a new well, or you have filtration devices (this will monitor and ensure that all devices are working properly).


Chlorination is a relatively painless and inexpensive procedure. Technicians will drop calculated amounts of chlorine tablets into the water well. This will be circulated through the well along with the faucets. All water fixtures should be thoroughly flushed to remove all contamination. High concentrations of chlorine must be purged through every point of entry and exit. Once the concentration is fully saturating the facility and well system it then must sit for twenty four to forty eight contact hours to thoroughly break up the residual in the system. After contact period you may then begin to flush your water system. It is recommended to run a hose for several hours prior to running the water into the facility during this point of the process.  The longer period of time the system is flushed the faster the chlorine with be expelled out of the system. It is extremely important to monitor the water well system when flushing being careful to notice any system changes. If any loss of pressure or flow loss is noticed please immediately shut system down and wait for the well to recover. When the chlorine has been completely flushed out of the system please contact Northeast to take a sample of your water to have it processed at an independent laboratory. Please note that during the flush of the system it’s extremely common for debris to plug the screens of faucets and also come through the fixtures themselves. If a sediment filter has not been installed on the mainline of the plumbing it would be recommended to install one prior to treatment and have several replacement cartridges on hand to prevent issues in the plumbing and fixtures.

UV Light Remediation

UV Lights are only used if there is a chronic water quality problem and chlorination is an unsuitable option. UV lights are installed after the pressure tank, allowing the water to flow through a specialized UV filter. This process is great for reoccurring bacteria problems. Keep in mind that the bulbs need to be changed or they will lose their ability to sterilize after a year.