Q: What exactly is a Drilled Well?

A: A drilled well consist of a hole bored or drilled into the surface, with the upper portion being lined with steel casing. The casing is used to prevent the collapse of the borehole walls prior to bedrock being achieved and with a drive shoe or a grout seal it prevents surface or subsurface contaminants from entering the water supply. Once the driller has seated the casing 10’ into solid competent bedrock he then continues drilling through the layers of rock where the water flows. Drilling is continued until adequate water has been achieved for the water wells particular application.

Q: How much water will I need?

A: Depending on what the demand of the system would depend on how much water is needed. For example, are you considering or do you have irrigation, hot tubs, multiple bathrooms, and other utilities that demand a high water quantity? All these items make a difference on demand from system to system. The National Ground Water Association along with the Environmental Protection Agency suggests a minimum of 5 Gallons per Minute for the average residence. Most towns and state require 5 GPM which is a minimum industry standard. Several irrigation contractors look for 10- 15 gpm for irrigating alone. But the best thing to do is discuss your water requirements with our water well professionals.

Q: What determines how deep my well could be?

A: Well Drilling is very unpredictable; there is no exact science of locating the water before you start drilling. However if you consult with your immediate neighbors or town departments it might give you a general idea of the average depth in your area. Also State or Local Regulating agency may have records on file of wells in your neighborhood or surrounding area.

Q: What does my town expect?

A: Every town is different; please refer over to our town regulations page for a comprehensive list of towns we provide for town regulations. Understanding your town regulations can be instrumental when comprising final or estimated costs for a new well contract.

Q: What do I need to do before you drill and what will I need to do after your done Drilling?

A: Every installation is different, depending on local codes and state laws can make a difference on how much preparation and finishing touches will need to be done by us or subcontractors. Most homeowners already have local contractors that they use and we can work with them or if need be we can subcontract leaving you with very little to do.

Q: Does it matter what size pump I install?

A: Well yield is important in selecting the right pump for the well. Other considerations are if there will be extra water usage i.e. irrigation systems, filling a swimming pool or specialized fixtures in the house.

Q: What is the best Location for my Well?

A: Once State and Local setbacks are met any remaining area will be decided by you on what the best location is. The accessibility to drill can be a factor for the remaining area. Some examples of State and Local setbacks could be; that wells have to be certain distances away from septic systems, property lines, utilities, etc… If your contact your local Board of Health or Building Permits office they will be able to tell you their specific requirements. Its important to consult with the driller if any accessibility issues such as utilities, trees, ditches, and inclines to name a few arise near the proposed well location.

Q: How much of a mess will the Drilling Rig make of my Yard?

A: If it is a new construction and the landscaping has not been completed then cleanup is simple. When drilling in established areas some minor landscaping may be needed. Not to worry though you will have a great new water source to give your lawn a speedy recovery.

Q: I have bacteria in my water, now what?

A: Stop drinking the water immediately! Call one of our quality professionals to chlorinate the system to rid the drinking water of bacteria and retest your water to be sure the treatment was successful.

Q: I have air in the lines, now what?

A: Air in the lines can be an indicating factor for several issues. Common issues resulting in air in the lines include: a failing or failed pressure tank, broken pipes within in the well or a broken offset line(the line from the well to the residence). Please note that normally with a broken offset you would see an increase of dirt or sediment in the water; however this may not always be the case. It is best to consult a qualified water professional whenever air is present in the water system and have a routine Maintenance preformed on the well system to determine the ultimate cause.

Q: I have low water Pressure, why?

A: There are several reasons why a water system may experience low water pressure. Some common reasons low pressure may arise are: addition of filtration or non functioning filtration, clogged fixture screens (if its specific to certain areas) , excessive use of the water well system ultimately lowering water table, or a broken pipe within the system. The final reason for drastic reduction in water pressure would be that the actual pumping system is showing signs and symptoms of age or failure.

Q: I have no water!?

A: No water issues may be caused by many issues including: power failure, a dry well, recovery issues, or a faulty pressure switch, or faulty controls, a defective pump, or pipe. Contact us to schedule a diagnostic so we can determine the problem.

Have Questions no how much does it cost to drill a well? Call us today for more information!