Significant Water Increases may open eyes of many homeowners across Massachusetts. As water rates continue to increase on public water systems homeowners begin to explore alternative options. Many are unaware of alternative options and feel trapped by private water utilities. Homeowners often say that private water utility is a monopoly and they do not have a variety of water companies to turn to. Residents of Milford, MA are currently facing a proposed increase of 83% as an example of an extreme case yet could be one of many to come across the state this year. This recent proposed increase follows a 33% increase within the last couple years. The utility rate increases within recent years have many residents outraged and exploring alternative options. The state Department of Public Utility has the ability to either grant, reduce, or deny the proposed increase. However many residents will not be aware of the increase until the town has already achieved the approval process and your utility bill reflects the increase.
Many public water systems in recent years have been forced to increase rates due to outdated systems, significant regulation changes, and major repairs. In some instances privately owned water systems that are poorly managed can reach the point of no return. Stow, MA in recent years faced a devastating private water system bankruptcy which forced many residents to drill there own private wells. The Small Water System faced tuff financial times like many others in the bad economy and was forced to close the doors. During that time investors that had interest in purchasing the system discovered that the system was in extreme disrepair that it was not worthy to invest. The Town was not in a place to take it over financially and to achieve state funding would have increased the water rates so extreme that it could not be justified. This left the residents with only once choice being to get there own supply and at there own expense now that Town Water is not available.
So can water rate increases be justified?
They certainly can be, in fact many towns have not been charging enough for water for many years. Improvements and/or expansions for town growth are far more costly today vs. years ago. If the Towns had the proper service and required upgrades completed in the time frames expected the rates would have increased costs years ago. However, due to large oversights and mentality of “if its not broke don’t fix it attitude” leads large costly repairs that may have been avoided or spread out over time. This brings us to today’s high water rate increases that are long overdue that have many outraged.
Is Public Water Systems a Monopoly?
No, there is an alternative to public supply! Drilling your own private water well can give the homeowner the ability to control there own water quality. Many towns do not promote wells for private residences, why would they its competition. I see on numerous occasions regulations hidden for public viewing, Lists of permit fees mysteriously well not being on the list although well permits exist within the towns. I have been told as a homeowner that, “I cannot have a well” with the town official not aware of my background. I have been mistaken as the property owner while applying for permits to drill wells and strongly convincing false information about wells suggested to me of why I shouldn’t be drilling an artesian water well on my property. If I was the actual property owner in their towns without any background I may have pulled away from the idea of installing my own private well. In some instances the process can be difficult, however its not impossible and that’s what the contractor is there for to make the process easy. As long as the town regulations can be achieved which is possible in most cases, then a private well could be installed. The phone call to determine if you can have your own private supply is free so why not discover your options by contacting Northeast Water Wells, Inc today or if you live outside of MA and NH contact a Licensed Contractor in your region.
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