Whenever it is warm out, there is a chance of your private well running dry. Most wells flow without problem through warmer months, but in areas of drought and a low level of groundwater there is a chance for them to run dry. Read on to learn about the signs of a dry well and what can be done to fix one.
Watch for the Signs
If you notice that your pump is turning on or remaining on more often than normal, this could be a sign of a drying well. Dirty tap water and sputtering are other common signs that the amount of water in your well is dropping. Dirty or muddy tap water occurs when the well water has run so low that sediment from the bottom of the well is getting into the pipes, while sputtering occurs when air enters the water lines.
What do I do?
If your private well is running low on or has run out of water, you have a few options to consider. Possible solutions include lowering the water pump, deepening the well and drilling a new one. While most pumps are placed well below the surface of the water, there is a good possibility your pump can be lowered even further down to ensure it remains beneath the water level during the summers.
Depending on your location, drilling can also be performed to deepen your well and reach more water. As a well ages, sediment can build up inside, decreasing the amount of water available to be used.
In addition, hydrofracturing could be a solution for dry wells, depending on the currently flow and depth.
Regardless of the cause of your drought, Northeast Water Wells can help. Contact us online or at 1-800-562-WELL to set up an assessment and learn what can be done to solve your summer water problem!
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